Independence Path has met with the representatives of the Federation of Filipino Organisations in Cyprus (FFOC) and Obreras Empowered.
Independence Path was represented by Cansu Nazlı from the party assembly, External Relations Secretary Cemre İpçiler and External Relations Committee member Nehir Özkızan.
In the meeting solidarity was expressed about the migrant women feminicide in the south, and information has been exchanged about the social and economic situation and rights of the migrant workers.
The representatives of FFOC and Obreras mentioned that the recent unfortunate events are related to the racism and discrimination experienced by migrant workers in Cyprus, the police has not investigated the missing cases properly, and that the governments and police being turning a blind eye in relation to migrants.
Independene Path representatives has mentioned the similarities between the north and south on the issue, and stressed the need for a joint struggle whether citizen or migrant, to change the conditions of the migrant workers which the party has always been sensitive about.